
Watch our online webinar series

Learn with Bluecube

Learn with Bluecube is a webinar series that explores and discusses key topics that your business should be aware of and prepare for. Together, we can keep your world moving forward.

Preparing for the PSTN Switch-Off webinar

Presented by Bluecube in partnership with Gamma

All traditional landlines in the UK will be switched off by 2025. This will affect everyone, both at home and at work, and means that if your landline phone uses an older copper connection then your phone and any other systems connected to your phone line will stop working, unless you make the switch to digital before the end of 2025.  We cover everything you need to know, including:

        • What the PSTN switch-off means for you and your business, affected devices and phone lines

        • How to future-proof your communications with actionable advice to help you prepare